Fresh Essence, where opposites complement each other. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine smelling the scent of lemon and lime: an unmistakable, zesty perfume. But there’s another scent, warm and comforting, it is the scent of Larch and Mimosa tenuiflora bark. Fresh Essence springs from this contrast, from the zest of citrus fruit and the warmth of wood, two opposites that, although so different, attract, blend with and enhance one another.
Fresh Essence, where opposites complement each other. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine smelling the scent of lemon and lime: an unmistakable, zesty perfume. But there’s another scent, warm and comforting, it is the scent of Larch and Mimosa tenuiflora bark. Fresh Essence springs from this contrast, from the zest of citrus fruit and the warmth of wood, two opposites that, although so different, attract, blend with and enhance one another.
The GOJI product Line is guaranteed by COSMOS ORGANIC certification and controlled by ICEA (Istituto Certificazione Etica Ambientale - Ethical Environmental Certification Institute). It contains plant oils and extracts from certified organic farming and obtained through innovative methods that keep the active ingredients stable and unaltered. It contains only components/ fragrances allowed by COSMOS ORGANIC Regulations. It does not contain raw materials derived from GMOs. It is packaged in containers made with recyclable materials. The L'ERBOLARIO Production Facility where it is produced has an Environmental Management System (UNI EN ISO 14001 certification) and uses “Zero Impact” renewable energy.