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Here's why you should be using face and body scrubs!

L'erbolario scrubs

Scrubs, due to the presence of granules or particles, help to exfoliate and remove the dead skin cells from the epidermis (top layer) of the skin. Scrubs help to increase the effectiveness of the following cosmetic. For example, using a face scrub before using a mask or face cream will allow the following cosmetic to be absorbed by non-dead skin cells and therefore will be more effective as you won't be moisturing dead skin cells!

Before opting for an artificial tan, it is wise to use a scrub to enable the tan to sit and absorb better, especially on elbows and knee caps! Despite often thinking otherwise, some people also say that exfoliating after returning from holidays may help to maintain your sun tan.

How to use a scrub?

On the body: use in the shower on wet skin or for a more agressive treatment, use on dry skin. Focus on the elbows, knee caps and heels.

On the face: using a targeted face scrub, as these are more gentle, massage the scrub onto wet skin (avoiding the eye area) with small circular movements and then rinse off with water or a moistened cotton ball.

Experts recommend using a scrub once per week if you have delicate skin, and up to twice per week if you have normal or oily skin.

Our scrubs

We have never used microplastics in our exfoliating cosmetics. We have always used plant materiels such as finely ground seeds and kernels or jojoba wax microspheres. In November 2017 we were also among the first enthusiastic signatories of the Legambiente and Marevivo petition in Italy, thanks to which the Italian law was approved which bans microplastics in rinse-off cosmetics from 2020.

Are you looking for a scrub to include in your weekly beauty routine?

Try our Tra I Ciliegi (Cherry Blossom) MagicAction Scrub, which uses cherry stone microgranules. This is an oil-gel, which upon contact with water, changes from a gel scrub into a milky emulsion to help leave the skin soft and velvety.

For a more intense treatment, try our Fior Di Salina Oil-Scrub; an exfoliating scrub treatment made with sea salt from the Sardinan Sea.

And for the face, we have our Alga-detox Cleansing Exfoliating Face Oil-Gel and our Exfoliant for the Face with Soapbark and Rice Bran Oil, both using fast absorbing jojoba microbeads for thorough cleansing and to gently and effectively cleanse your skin from dirt and dry skin.

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